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Anel is a Swiss ISO13485 certified manufacturer and distributer of medical devices. Our strategy consists in bringing innovative and high quality products into the market to faciliate the daily work of end-users.

We have two sections:

A) own product distribution, worldwide

B) trading company, mainly for Switzerland

Our distribution product range in Switzerland consists of products in following areas (among others):


- Anaesthesia / Airway Management / EMS
- nursing
- gynecology
- (cardio-) vascular surgery
- orthopaedics
We are collaborating with leading manufacturers who develop innovative and high quality products.

You are a manufacturer of innovative products in the medical field? Then don't hesitate to get in touch with us.

Anel AG is member of the Swiss Medtech Association:

SMT Member www s

Member of Swiss Venture Club.



SVC Claim CMYK D s